6502 Computer - 04/28/2022

Written by: Hunter Wilcox

Author: Hunter Wilcox

Over the last year or so, I have been watching a lot of videos on YouTube about old computers, such as the Commodore 64 and MS-DOS compatibles.
Inspired by the 8-Bit Guy and after watching a lot of Ben Eater videos, I haved developed a working 6502 based computer based on Ben Eaters design.

It Features:

  1. WDC 65C02 (Modern MOS 6510)
  2. WDC 65C22 (Modern MOS 6522)
  3. 32K EEPROM
  4. 32K SRAM
  5. 2x BUS Headers (For expandability)

Had to create adapter for NAND IC. Wrong footprint :(

Lately, I have been watching a lot videos from Ben Heck and fascinated by his calculator collection. Because of this, I am currently trying to connect an old
TI-83 caclulator display to the 6502 computer. I currently got the 6502 computer to talk to an Arduino Mega to controll the LCD, but it has been having too
many problems. Instead, I'm most likely going to use the build-in 65c22 for controlling the TI LCD. If all else fails, I'll use an FPGA.

More updates to come!